Colored acrylics NEW COLLECTION
Our slow setting system is extremely high pigmented and don't marble like the usual colored acrylics you come across. Because of the high amount of pigment they set slower.
Alpaca €12.95
Appletini €12.95
Behind these hazel eyes €12.95
Black velvet €12.95
Bubblegum €12.95
Burnt amber €12.95
Cafe au lait €12.95
Caramel drizzle €12.95
Concrete €12.95
Cuppycake €12.95
Dolphin dreams €12.95
Don’t touch my jams €12.95
Emperor €12.95
Emerald €12.95
For crying out cloud €12.95
For duck sake €12.95
Forest green €12.95
Hey there delilac €12.95
How merlot can you go €12.95
I’m blushing €12.95
Lavender fields €12.95
Looking pine €12.95
Marley’s dream €12.95
My only sunshine €12.95